Our Digital Youth Program in Hvil® consist of 4 themed weeks:
- The Good Sleeping Environment
- Screen Time
- Thinking
- Sleep as Superpower
Each of the themes containes knowledge, fun xquizzes and activities, which is aimed to give the young people more insight into sleep and habits as well as awareness of the importance of enough and good sleep.
The students have been on a learning journey about sleep, melatonin, blue light and much, much more.
And the results speak for themselves.
The graphs show that the students have improved their sleep length from an average sleep length of 7.2 hours to an average sleep length of 8.3 hours over a period of 4 weeks.
In addition, students have shortened their time on electronic screens IN THEIR BEDS from an average screen time of 139.8 minutes to an average screen time of 86.1 minutes over a period of 4 weeks.
A big thank you must go to Højmarkskolen, Vejen Ungdomsskole and Islev Skole for the collaboration, and for giving their students the opportunity to participate in this learning-rich youth program in Hvil.