
Challenges in meeting the sleep window

By Henrike Neumann

If you have read the introduction to Hvil in the app, then sleep is based on two processes: the circadian rhythm and sleep pressure. Insufficient sleep pressure can make it difficult to fall asleep at night and/or maintain sleep during the night.

By limiting the time you stay in bed for a period, the sleep pressure increases, which can help with these difficulties. By doing so, you can also achieve better sleep efficiency, i.e. how much time you sleep out of the time you stay in bed.

The ultimate goal is not to get as much sleep as possible, but to achieve a sufficient amount of continuous sleep of good quality, which means that you are sufficiently rested and have energy during the daytime.

There are many who find it very challenging to adhere to their sleep window - and that is also completely normal. It can be difficult to stay awake until the recommended bedtime, and many find that they are more tired during the day than usual. It is completely natural to experience these challenges, especially at the start of treatment. The more closely you follow the treatment, the easier it will be over time to comply with the sleep window. And when you achieve better sleep efficiency, the sleep window is continuously expanded.

Sleep optimization is one of the most effective treatments for sleep problems. We know that it is hard to follow the treatment, but we also know that you can achieve really good results if you persist. By doing your best to adhere to your sleep window, you are making a significant effort to improve your sleep in the long term.

You can re-read the information about the two processes of sleep under 'Knowledge' in the app.