For all of us who want to sleep better

Hvil® is a mobile app that assists you in sleeping healthier and better through a customized sleep program.

With a sleep programme, you will learn to understand what affects your sleep and be supported in changing the parameters that contribute to your poor sleep.

What do I get with Hvil®?
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Your personal diary

Hvil® helps you track your sleep from day to day.

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Follow your progress

You can continuously see how your sleep habits and sleep quality are developing.

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A tailored programme

You get personalised advice and guidance on how best to improve your chances of getting more and better sleep.

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Not a quick fix

Many solutions on the market promise faster results, while reality is different. It takes time to change habits.

The initial steps

1. Download Hvil® to your smartphone
Hvil® is available for both Android and iPhone smartphones. You can now install Hvil® for free in App Store and Google Play.

2. Redeem your Hvil® code
You need to purchase a Hvil® code before you can redeem it. Once you've paid, we'll send you your unique Hvil®-code to your email and you're ready to get started today. 

3. Start your journey to better sleep
Once you've redeemed your Hvil®-code, you can get started with your first activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Hvil®?

  • Can I get Hvil® on my smartphone?

  • Is Hvil® a medical treatment?

  • Are there any side effects of using Hvil®?

  • For who is Hvil®?

  • What is the time commitment?

  • How do I activate notifications?

  • Notifications/reminders are turned on in the app, but I still not getting any