Frequently asked questions

  • What is Hvil®?

  • How is Hvil® different from other sleep apps?

  • Can I get Hvil® on my smartphone?

  • Is Hvil® a medical treatment?

  • Are there any side effects of using Hvil®?

  • For who is Hvil®?

  • What is the time commitment?

  • How do I activate notifications?

  • Notifications/reminders are turned on in the app, but I still not getting any


  • How do I get access to Hvil®?

  • What is a Hvil®-code?

  • How do I stop a program?

  • How do I cancel my Hvil® subscription?

  • What is the refund policy?

The app

  • What is the sleep diary?

  • Why don't you just use data from smartwatches to collect my sleep data?

  • What is the Sleep Score?

  • What is the sleep program?

  • How long does it take to complete a sleep program?

  • Should I use headphones?

  • What is a sleep window?

  • Can Hvil® help me with sleep problems associated with menopause?

Sleep window

  • I have trouble keeping my sleep window - what do I do?

  • Can it really be true that I need so little sleep?

  • Is it dangerous to have a small sleep window?

  • How do I change the wake-up time of my sleep window?

  • When will I get a new sleep window?

  • Why hasn't my sleep window expanded?

  • How do I know I've reached my sleep window goal?

  • I've reached my goal, but I'm not sure if I should continue to follow my sleep window?